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Why prevention is important?
Healthy periodontium acts following functions:

  • Fixation of the tooth in the socket
  • Adaptive and restorative capacity the effects of trauma
  • Providing perimeter defense mechanisms against infection
  • Feeling pain, pressure and touch

Treatments in the field of periodontics, we provide:

  • Scaling – removing supragingival and subgingival tartar
  • Sandblasting – sediment removal
  • Root – planning
  • Closed and opened curettage
  • Frenulo surgery
  • Gingivectomy – gingivoplasty
  • gum recession coating
  • Extension of the clinical crown

A method of reparations treatment, which consists of removing the dead parts of the walls of the root cement, epithelium, epithelial attachment and granulation tissue from the bottom of the sulcus.

As a result of this treatment we receive scars and shallowed gingival pockets which are covered by healthy and fresh epithelium, cured inflammation and better attachment of the tooth. Both closed and opened curettage treatments are completely painless, because they are performed under local anesthesia.

It is a procedure designed to remove the supra and subgingival tartar. Patients often ask what is it tartar, why is it created and why it should be removed. Tartar is a permanent deposits dental trays resulting from the deposition of mineral salts in plaque after approx. 2-3 days residual plate. Can be over-and subgingival. It should be removed, because it can modify or initiate periodontal disease. Subgingival tartar sustains inflammation of the gums.

Subgingival tartar located in gingival pocket irritates and presses the walls of the gums, it causes necrosis, pressure sores and ulcerations. Tartar removing is carried out using ultrasonic instruments (scaler) or manual (curettes). Used in Dental World Clinic scalers are completely safe for the patient. Due to the piezoelectric effect and cavitation the tooth surfaces are cleaned quickly and efficiently. Scaling is painless. Exceptions are cases in which there is inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth, which can cause pain. In this case, when the patient requests a local anesthetic is given. Each time after removal of dental plaque, purified surfaces of teeth are polished (polishing) to prevent re-adhesion of bacterial plaque. The final step of scaling is contact fluoridation with concentrated preparation of fluoride, which protects teeth from decay, and prevents cervical hypersensitivity.

See our equipment

  • Scaling

This treatment is aimed to remove sediment and stains from the surface of the tooth with a strong focus on the interdental spaces, that are so difficult to purify. By means of sandblasting, water jet, located under pressure and enriched cleansing agents applies to all surfaces of the teeth.

How often should I sandblast my teeth?
The treatment should be performed twice a year, while patients smoking and carrying permanent orthodontic appliances every 4 months

After sandblasting, patients will notice:
– The disappearance of discoloration and sediment
– Clean spaces between teeth
– Visibly whiter teeth

See our equipment

  • Sandblasting

Action performed during active treatment, which consists of smoothing the root surface after removal of subgingival plaque. Root planing is performed by hand curettes or ultrasonic diamond tipps.

We are doing our best and we are for You

Through our unwavering commitment to skills upgrading courses not only in the country but also abroad
we can offer you all the possible ways to treat and to select the best type of treatment for each patient individually.

In our Clinic we provide

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